One of the most effective fire extinguishing systems in the protection of buildings from fire are those whose operation is based on the use of fire extinguishing aerosols. This installation and fire protection at the right time in the room producing an aerosol with a high fire-extinguishing capability. Compared with other methods and technologies to combat ignitions (inert gases, freon and carbon dioxide), aerosols, consisting of fuel and oxidizer and binder, show very good results.
Before aerosol fire-extinguishing systems acquired its present form and efficiency and their rightful place in the JV 5.13130.2009 describing the requirements for fire protection systems, they have come a long way.
The history of technology, in which the main tool in the fight to fire a spray, has for almost two centuries. Yet in 1814, describes the process in which the flame extinguishes the three-component blend of low-grade powder (coarse grain, burning slowly and has a high explosive fragmentation, but small BLASTING), water and clay. Even then, it was noted that the composition of this (described in the book "Notes to writing about ways against fires," the author - Peter Shymlanskaya) imperfect: the resulting slurry acts effectively only in a confined space.
Inefficiency extinguishing developed Shumlyanskaya not embarrassed of his ideological followers. And the first of them were not countrymen: about 30 years later, primitive but quite effective ways to fight fires were developed in Austria and Saxony.
In the Austrian Empire, the author of firefighting techniques with the help of smoke was Archduke himself: he used a simple chopped straw, which literally carpeted floors and plinths premises archives. In Saxony the honor to continue the idea of Peter Shymlanskaya fell engineer Kyunu. True, he simplified the mixture for firefighting to one component - black powder of very poor quality. Glass vessels with low-quality powder showed high efficiency in extinguishing fires in local areas, which could be sealed.
A little later - this time again in Russia - a truly scientific basis with gas fire extinguishing offered Kolesnik-Kulevich (70th and 80th. XIX century).
The ineffectiveness of the first sprays and fire suppression systems has led to the fact that they have long been priced out of the area of firefighting dusts and liquids. Work in "aerosol fire" in Russia were practically before it started.
The revival of the idea that the fire can be fought with the help of aerosols (and even those that are permanently stored on the sites where the risk of fire is great) occurred only at the end of the last century. It was then - in the 80s - joint research VNIIPO, NIIPH and SKTB "Technologist" allowed to take a fresh look at and unsolved problems of aerosol fire extinguishing. Among them - the development of compounds that would work in a wide range of conditions, the creation of fixed installations, which would protect the building from fire, and constant readiness of such devices.
In the 1990’s, JSC "Granit Salamandra" joined in. The work of, and building on a very solid scientific base, became a turning point in the development of aerosol fire extinguishing technology in Russia.
Modern fire-fighting units that manage to fire by spraying the room extinguishing aerosol, are highly effective and reliable units. Are available as stationary devices operating in automatic mode and manual, which literally thrown into the room where the fire occurred.
Position is a holistic solution, the components of which:
Produced several types of generators, which differ in the following characteristics:
A wide range of sizes of generators, aerosol composition and mass flow rate of the aerosol generator allows you to choose a model for building a variety of types.
Significant difference between the fire-extinguishing system, the effect of which is based on the use of fire-extinguishing aerosol systems of fighting fire with gases and powders is their security for the protected property and the environment (though in the case of inert gases this is not an advantage). As an alternative to systems using halons, fire extinguishing aerosol generators are safer for humans and property, and the environment. Moreover, with the problem of flame appearing during operation, the scope of use of the aerosol generator is very extended.
A significant role in the fight against the flames, and the development of new effective models of generators, which became the basis for aerosol fire extinguishing installations, played activities of JSC "NPG Granit Salamandra".
As one of the pioneers of the software industry aerosol fire extinguishing systems, "NPG Granit-Salamandrа" produces a wide range of fire-extinguishing aerosol generators. And differing in size, and a cooling method (injection, labyrinth, contact and socket), and methods of use (operational and stationary) generators and the installation of the "NPG Granit-Salamandrа" are used in transportation, factories and warehouses, to private residential facilities.
Over the years, the work of "Granit-Salamandra" managed to solve the most urgent and complex challenges, thereby increasing the variety of territories that can be protected by aerosol fire-extinguishing generators.
It is safe to say that aerosol fire extinguishing- this is the most modern and efficient way to deal with flames. In many ways, the success of the application of the principle of aerosol extinction and the appearance - for the first time in history - effective aerosol generators and fire-protection systems is a credit to JSC "NPG Granit-Salamandrа" and scientific institutions, even in the 80s and 90s to start work on improving this technology.
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